PLC upgrade project which is awarded to Beumer from HIA is the largest project of its kind happening in HIA. The complete scope of the Network upgrade including a) Passive network, b) Active network and c) Audio video systems is awarded to AISS. The project kick off meeting was held on 05th August 2020. The project includes the complete upgrade of existing passive network for handling 10G and 40G network loads. The active side include complete migration of old Cisco infrastructure to new Cisco 9300 and Cisco 9600 series with DNA capabilities. The Wifi upgrades, new firewall installation as per HIA latest security standards is also part of the job.
Apart from the network upgrade, AISS also won the contracts for integration of Automatic Tag Readers (ATR), baggage scanners and Baggage Information Display System(BIDS). The challenge in this project is keeping the Baggage system operational (zero down time) while the new network is deployed. Beumer choose AISS on the merit that we have successfully implemented the arrival terminal upgrade one year back. The baggage RFID tagging and monitoring system for HIA which AISS completed has received many appreciations from the client.
AISS is also is also installing cable trays and associated containment systems in this job. The climate controlled 42U rack cabinets with builtin UPS and monitoring systems etc are also part of the job. The integrations with other existing systems and the new Remote Transit Baggage Terminal (RTBF) is also in the scope of this project. The project duration is 6 months from the date of mobilisation.
The project include the full upgrade of Network infrastructure of existing baggage system conveyor belts in Gates A, B, C, D and E
AISS wins X-Ray machine connectivity Project from Rapiscan for HIA
AISS wins the network infrastructure job from Rapiscan systems UK. The solution is designed based on Corning products. Each of the new X-Ray machines shall have two connectivity for redundancy. There is around 50,000 meters of new fibre infrastructure to be installed. The latest machines from Rapiscan employs the most advanced scanning features and the network needs to be designed to handle very high data throughputs. The criticality of the project is zero downtime during migration. Our project management team has submitted the project proposal which is under approval. The network is designed to cater to the requirement of multiple stake holders like HIA Baggage handling team, MOI, Customs, HIA operations etc.
This is by far one of the most complicated projects undertaken by AISS in HIA as there is limited space available to install the new cabling system and due to the fact that these machines and control rooms are located in different locations in HIA. The whole fibre network is single mode OS2 and fully redundant. For users we have proposed fibre to desk solution. It’s the first time that AISS is working with Rapiscan in Qatar.